Hack.lu 2015 Bazaar
We all have plenty of cool tools and gadgets on our workbench or in our attic and sometimes not really the time or envy to use or investigate them. On the other hand, it’s very probable that it could interest some other attendees. So this year, Hack.lu proposes to act as a facilitator.
Not many rules but to get things going smoothly please respect those ones:
- Propose only items related to Hack.lu activities
- Publish your ad via Twitter with hashtag #hacklu2015bazaar
- Bring your stuff at Hack.lu
- Economical model up to you: gift, barter, cash, BTC,… but please no auctions!
- Open source and/or security-related books or hardware
- Commercial hardware waiting for some pentest ;)
- Things useful for hackerspaces etc.
(Un)classified ads
To have a look on the ads, watch #hacklu2015bazaar on Twitter.